The mission of the Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA) is to raise funds and grant those funds to organizations that fight HIV/AIDS by providing preventative education programs targeted to populations at risk of infection, as well as those providing treatment and direct care services to people living with/impacted by HIV/AIDS. DIFFA also supports public policy initiatives which add resources to private sector funds.


Since 1984, DIFFA has granted millions of dollars to North Texas HIV/AIDS Programs by raising funds through the production of incredible events highlighting the design community. DIFFA is one of the largest and most successful fundraising organizations for HIV/AIDS non-profit service providers and education programs within Texas, New York, California, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts and Washington. DIFFA is the only HIV/AIDS organization in Texas that provides non-earmarked funding exclusively to HIV/AIDS service efforts in our communities, thus providing for the direct care for persons living with HIV/AIDS. Dallas is DIFFA's largest chapter by funds raised. The unique design-focused events DIFFA Dallas holds include Burgers and Burgundy, DIFFA Wreath Collection, and House of DIFFA.


Our grants process makes it easier for donors to make the most impact for those living with HIV/AIDS. We do our homework so funds will go to the agencies and people with the greatest need. DIFFA has made significant financial contributions to AIDS Service Organizations in the state of Texas. Our grants process includes site visits, fiscal scrutiny, and personal interviews with potential grantees to ensure that funds are appropriated where they can do the most good. DIFFA also plays a major part in the HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention education throughout the state of Texas.


Our grant philosophy is to close the gap left by insufficient and declining government funding. According to the latest reports (end of 2017) from the Dallas County Health and Human Service, in 2017 it was estimated 18,073 people were living with HIV in Dallas County. This is an increase in over 57% since 2006. In 2017 there were 814 New HIV diagnoses in Dallas County alone. In 2016 63% of new HIV diagnoses were in persons less than 35 years of age. As the number of new diagnoses stays relatively consistent per year, and infected people are living longer, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS continues to increase. The overall prevalence rate of person living with HIV/AIDS in Dallas county is 701 per 100,000. Funds from the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act, the principal source of Federal funding for AIDS Service Organizations, have been reduced significantly.